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Summer school

“Cross-border cooperation in preventing the deterioration of the environment. New challenges for the new generation”

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Cernauti, UCRAINA), 17 - 24 June 2012

Call for candidates


  • Numar de locuri disponibile: 16

  • Candidati eligibili: masteranzi si doctoranzi in domeniile studii europene, economie, stiinte politice, relatii internationale, mediu, geografie din Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza;

  • Cerinte specifice:

    • o buna cunoastere a limbii engleze

    • pasaport valabil

    • cei intersati trebuie sa verifice ca perioada scolii de vara sa nu coincida cu examenele programate la facultatile de unde provin

  • Toți cei interesați vor trimite un CV (format european in limba engleza) la adresa de e-mail cedes.rouamd@gmail.com cu specificarea la subiectul mesajului „participare scoala de vara”

  • Termen limita de trimitere a candidaturii: 28 Mai 2012

  • Cei selectati in urma procesului de evaluare vor fi contactati ulterior pentru a se prezenta la interviu pentru selectia finala

  • Toate cheltuielile scolii de vara (trasnport, cazare, masa, agrement) sunt asigurate integral din program


  • Programme (will be available soon)

  • Arrival: Sunday 17th June 2012; departure: Sunday 24th June 2012. Please note that full attendance is required

  • Within this action, we will analyze the European and regional initiatives in the field of environment and sustainable development.

  • The team of lectures will formed by Romanian, Ukrainian and Moldavian teachers and researchers

  • The partcipants will be involved in courses, seminars and workshops, thematic visits, cultural activities

  • The action has as purpose disseminating some results and good practice in the field of environment protection obtained both at the level of target regions, and EU, increasing the degree of participation of youngsters to solving the environment problems, responsibilising and training them in ecological activities.


The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 is financed by the European Union through the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument and co-financed by the participating countries in the programme.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or ofthe Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 management structures.